Job Crafting on Job Satisfaction: the mediating role of Work Engagement

  • Bima Olga Yogantara Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Mega Asri Zona Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Job Crafting, Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement


This study plans to break down the effect of job crafting on job satisfaction at the HR and General department of PT. SP Manufacturing with work engagement as an interceding variable. The   sort   of   exploration   utilized   is   quantitative   examination.   This exploration is a causal examination. The populace in this study were each of the 63 representatives of the HR and General department of PT. SP Manufacturing Padang City. The inspecting strategy utilizes soaked testing where all individuals from the populace are utilized as tests. Gathering   information   utilizing   a   poll   with   a   Likert   scale.   The   strategy   for examination utilizing Partial Least Square utilizing  the  Smart  PLS  program.  The after effects of information handling in this study demonstrate that: (1)  job crafting has a  positive  and  significant  effect on job satisfaction  at  the HR and General department of PT. SP Manufacturing Padang City  (2) job crafting has  a  positive  and  significant  effect  on  work  engagement  at the HR and General department of PT. SP Manufacturing Padang City (3) work  engagement has an effect positive and significant effect on job satisfaction at the HR and General department of PT. SP Manufacturing Padang City (4) job crafting has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction through work engagement at the HR and General department of PT. SP Manufacturing Padang City.


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