Entrepreneurial Leadership On Innovative Behavior: Organizational Citizen Behavior (OCB) As A Mediation Variable

  • Muhammad Af Pandi Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Rino Rino Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Leadership, Innovative Behavior, Organizational Citizen Behavior (OCB)


This study analyzes: (1) the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on innovative behavior in MSME Fish Processing Units in West Sumatra (2) the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on Citizen Organizational Behavior in MSME Fish Processing Units in West Sumatra (3) the influence of Community Organizational Behavior on Innovative Behavior in MSME Fish Processing Units in West Sumatra (4) The Influence of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Innovation Behavior Mediated by Organizational Citizen Behavior in MSME Fish Processing Units in West Sumatra. This research is a causal research. The sample of this study were 135 employees of the MSME Fish Processing Unit in West Sumatra who were engaged in the MSME fish processing business. The sampling technique was carried out using purposive sampling. Collecting data using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The analysis technique used is the SmartPLS 4 software. The results of this study indicate that: (1) entrepreneurial leadership has a significant positive effect on the innovative behavior of SMEs in the West Sumatra Fish Processing Unit (2) entrepreneurial leadership has a significant positive effect on the Behavior of the MSME Organizational Citizens of the Fish Processing Unit in West Sumatra (3) Organizational Citizen Behavior has a significant positive effect on the innovative behavior of MSME Fish Processing Units in West Sumatra (4) Entrepreneurial Leadership has a positive and significant effect on the innovative behavior of MSME Fish Processing Units in West Sumatra through Organizational Citizens Behavior.


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